It's always clementime

Welcome to my blog, fellow traveler. I'm informed you've been properly briefed about the sort of writings you will find here. It would be a mistake of cataclysmic consequences (visualize the Death Star destroying Alderaan, or the person sitting behind you on a long flight resting their shoeless and sockless feet on your arm rests) to allow you, fellow traveler, to square up to the many oddities enclosed here without a basic understanding of fringe human behavior or, in its absence, a PhD on Psychology. Since I trust my informers as much as myself, I will sum up now the main two motives behind this book-like blog.

  1. One of the more pressing issues the world faces today is that humans don't eat enough clementines and, when they do, the clementines tend to be of low quality. The main purpose of this blog is to remind the world that it's always time for a clementine, even if they are of inferior caliber. I proceeded to conjunct that phrase, in clever fashion, into the title of this blog, Clementime. I've been adviced not to praise myself like I just did but what can you do, fellow traveler, when I've taken the proper measures and made it impossible for you to contact me and make me see the wrong in my ways.

  2. The second reason behind this blog is of more practical nature and will answer the question of why not keeping all of this to myself. First I must soothe you, fellow traveler; at the time of writing I don't have a particular criminal scheme in mind. It is for crimes that I might commit in the future that I'm collecting and making public all these thoughts, in order to add weight to a defense of "guilty but mentally ill". This is just me finally assimilating the advice of being more future-minded. Acting as the functional member of society that I aspire to become I'm finally being proactive.

Trusting I've done an acceptable job at explaining myself I leave you, fellow traveler, hoping that you will find joy here and elsewhere.


Tacoronte, 2019.