Ascent to madness

My history with insanity started one year ago when I realized I was not alone. Not in the tradicional, social way; that kind of loneliness had been established many years ago and nobody would dare to doubt its prosperity. What I found out was that someone had appeared in my head and had no intention to leave. I called him "the guest" because it's in a guest's nature to go away at some point, but he ended up making his home of my mind.

At first the guest started making small suggestions that I was able to follow or not, depending on my mood at that particular time. I retained control of my body and my actions so I didn't give it the required importance. With time he transitioned from a passive advice giver to a decision maker. We fought for a while, each pulling the steering wheel on a different direction, until we both admitted that such a deal was never going to work.

We sat down and planned our future. After an amicable discussion we decided to split the control of our body one week each. It works like this: I go to sleep on Sunday night and I wake up on Monday morning one week later, so he has one week for himself free from my interference. At the end of his week he goes to sleep and I take over for the next. We leave each other messages on the important things that happened during the week so we keep the continuity and live one joint life and not two parallel ones.

I didn't think this kind of agreement could ever work but he has been a force for good. He is much better that me at my own job. Every Monday of the weeks I have the custody of my body I'm praised at the office for my excellent job the past week. He did things I've been postponing for years, like going to the dentist or calling old friends. He started exercising, taking care of his body and apparently he signed me up for a writing group. Let's see how that goes.

Not only he is smarter than I am, he is also more attractive. I'm sure he has a partner that he's keeping from me, and I don't blame him. The first thing I would do is to ruin that relationship. Not out of malice or on purpose, but just by virtue of being myself.

June 2018. 20 minute prompted writing with the Barcelona Writing Group at Sandwichez, Barcelona.